Wednesday, 25 July 2018

Letter to the I: Religious Liberty

Like Mike Andrews I have similar concerns about the maintenance of religious liberty, albeit from a different standpoint.  As an atheist I do not see a need for an established Church of England in the UK.  In the name of true religious liberty there should be no official church or religion.  Our laws should be made to maximise individual liberty, only stopping on the point where that liberty can infringe on other individuals.  I am fed up with the Church of England applauding themselves whenever they catch up to where society was 20 years ago.  Let individual choice decide which faith, if any, to follow.


Zachary Barker

Letter to the I: Letter Against the Death Penalty

It is a shame that when Susan Sussman advocated the reinstatement of the death penalty, she felt the need to insult those like myself who disagree with her.  To paraphrase Thatcher; those who use personal insults usually do not have effective political arguments.  Practically speaking there are many countries around the world that have the death penalty and still have terrorism.  Furthermore, what sense does it make to deliver more martyrs to a cause that worships them?  If Susan is so keen to go ahead anyway, I vote for her to have the courage to look the condemned person's loved ones in the eye and still pull the lever herself.


Zachary Barker


Monday, 23 July 2018

Your View: Irish Border Letter

I believe Elizabeth Simpson's praise for PM Theresa May's alleged concern for the Irish border issue is most undeserved.  She cannot be that concerned when she has for the most part delegated this issue to be resolved by political charlatans like Boris Johnson.  Reopening the Irish Question with this issue is a double edged sword.  It can reopen old wounds but maybe provide opportunities as well.  A recent polls showed that nearly a third of the people of Northern Ireland see themselves as "Northern Irish" and not British or Irish.  Maybe we should discuss how we can make political reality reflect these opinions.


Zachary Barker

Your View: Will of the People Letter

A J Thornton can clearly multitask since they can be blindly offensive and completely wrong at the same time.  As a former colonial power it is deeply offensive, and inaccurate,  to call us a colony because we are members of the EU.  Colonies cannot influence policy.  And yet this country has managed to get the most caveats out of EU treaty obligations than any other member state.  AJ Thornton says he is with the will of the people.  That is an incredible feat when the will of the people defies both consistency and common sense.


Zachary Barker

Wednesday, 18 July 2018

Your View: Extremism Letter

Yasmin Alibhai-Brown's column touched on an interesting point about the double standards in how we deal with both right wing and Islamist extremism.  What is more disturbing though is how the old divisions between the mainstream right wing and it's extremist fringes are beginning to blur.  The pro Trump rally held in London symbolised this as does vocal public support for him.  They like to wax lyrical about "liberal snowflakes" who are allegedly easily offended.  It is time the tables were turned with the same well-informed snowflakes reminding them constantly about how often their leader lies and how paper thin their principles actually are.


Zachary Barker

Letter to the I: Brexit and Immigration

In answer to David Pitt's letter, we Remain voters understand perfectly the point Leave voters are making about immigration.  The problem is this point doesn't make any sense.  It doesn't make any sense to not allow the most easy to integrate migrants, those from the European continent, to stay in the long term.  They claim welfare below the national average level.  Many of them provide valuable labour to our NHS.  And most of their children are enthusiastic at becoming British.  Why on Earth should we encourage model citizens to leave?


Zachary Barker

Tuesday, 10 July 2018

Letter to the I: English National Anthem

I take issue with Steve Dodding insinuating that singing the British National anthem  is patriotic.  Not only is it not patriotic, since the song is a national embarrassment, I would remind him that England and Britain are not the same.  I would further remind him that "God Save the Queen" is not the English National Anthem, since we technically do not have one, so it makes no sense for our England team to sing it.  In fact there is nothing to legally say that "God Save the Queen" is the British national anthem, it merely became so by custom.  I believe this provides an ample opportunity to come up with alternative anthems for England and the wider UK that may be more interesting than the current stale piece of royal worshipping.


Zachary Barker

Thursday, 5 July 2018

Your View: NHS and Chronic Conditions Letter

On it's birthday, I have much to be thankful to the NHS for since my wife, mother and sister all work (or have worked) for it.  However an overlooked priority for the NHS is to focus on the care with people with long term chronic conditions such as M.E (known as Chronic Fatigue).  As we start to live longer lives we must keep in mind those who live daily in pain and exhaustion.  Nowadays to suit the government's and certain sections of academia, M.E sufferers are made to go through barbaric "pace trials" instead of having their condition seriously treated.  We must remember that the NHS is there to serve M.E sufferers too and so they deserve to have an NHS that works for them.


Zachary Barker

Monday, 2 July 2018

Your View: National Service, Punk and Street Art Letter

I disagree with both points Michael Montgomery made in his letter.  National service does little for social cohesion and even less for our defence.  The Falklands War clearly proved that a force of professionals can thoroughly outfight a largely conscripted one.  His rejection of punk and street art is frankly short sighted.  A great man once described punk rock as "freedom" in music form.  Street art has done wonders to put my home city of Bristol on the map and has inspired many.  Before judging it, perhaps Michael should see it when he comes to Bristol.  Then he can decide if street art should stay, or if it should go.


Zachary Barker