Tuesday, 16 October 2018

Letter to the I: Corbyn is not a Patriot

Jeremy Corbyn is not a "true Britain's true patriot" as Yasmin Alibhai-Brown claims.  Jeremy Corbyn is using the British Empire's bloody history to promote his morally disgraceful foreign policy.  His views on this subject were revealed when he said that no British military interventions since 1945 have been morally justifiable.  I am sure that would come as an insult to the people of Sierra Leone who were saved by timely British military intervention.  Or indeed those Kosovans who did not end up in a mass grave.  Yes we have blood on our hands.  But that does not mean that we are incapable of doing good.


Zachary Barker

Thursday, 11 October 2018

Letter to the I: The Trouble with the DUP

The DUP's threats toward the Government over Brexit is just another chapter in their toxic relationship with the Conservative Party.  Ever since the signing of the Ulster Covenant the Tories have been wedded to unionists to the detriment of the country.  Back then the Conservatives supported the unionists even when they took arms from the Germans to defy Home Rule.  The Troubles were sparked by the violent Unionist reaction to Nationalists wanting basic rights. 
     The best way Theresa May can respond to the DUP's threats is to call their bluff and rule by minority.  They need her more than she needs them.  And in any case, they have always been more trouble than they are worth.


Zachary Barker

Tuesday, 9 October 2018

Letter to the I: Green Flying Letter

I disagree with my fellow Bristolian Marian Connolly.  While it is important to tackle climate change, it is folly and morally wrong to expect people to stop travelling abroad by plane.  We should not begrudge the fact that more people can afford to see the world.  As Mark Twain once said the biggest killer of racism and ignorance is travel.  Instead we should direct our world renowned aerospace industries to construct fuel efficient and alternatively powered aircraft. Instead of rejecting technology we should be embracing it.


Zachary Barker

Tuesday, 2 October 2018

Letter to I: Corbyn and Responsibility

Philip Cooper questions many things, including the "mainstream media".  Everything but  his but his own undeserved devotion to Jeremy Corbyn.  We should not blame the media for Corbyn supporting Brexit for several decades, we should blame him.  We should not blame the media for Corbyn supporting Friends of Venezuela, while it's government tyrannises and starves it's own people, we should blame him.  We should not blame the media for Corbyn allowing former Militants to rejoin the Labour Party and for anti-semites to take cover.  The buck should stop with the party leader for all of these transgressions; the party leader being Jeremy Corbyn.


Zachary Barker

Letter to the I: Disappointing Artists Letter

To answer the headline to Serina Sandhu's article "Can I Love Kanye's Music Now I Know What He Thinks?", the answer  is "yes you can".  Listening to music is not necessarily an endorsement of artists, who are by nature imperfect people, like the rest of us.  In fact the artist formerly known as Kanye is tame by other artists whose work I like.  Ted Nugent's guitar work is spectacular, yet his political work is like a cheap and sleazy Third Reich.  Chuck Berry was an amazing artist but personally a sex offender and a spiteful man.  I like to hear Bono sing, but I would pay the considerable fee for a U2 concert to stop him talking.


Zachary Barker