Thursday, 8 November 2018

Letter to the I: Trump Supporters in the UK Letter

It is one thing to celebrate the US Democrats taking the US House of Representatives, but we have to confront the Trump supporters in our own country.  The longer his presidency goes on the more they feel empowered.  They incite hatred against liberal democracy for problems and grievances that they are too angry and ignorant to properly understand or address.  Their cause uses the worst instincts of human nature to promote an ideology that makes no sense.  Since it does not make any sense all we need to do is stay brave in front of their anger, and calmly demonstrate that they are wrong.


Wat Tyler

Letter to the I: Prince Charles Letter

What does Prince Charles expect from us when he says that he will keep quiet as king?  Are we supposed to be relieved?  This neatly encapsulates the silliness of our constitutional set up.  The Monarch is meant to represent the state and as such is meant to pretend to have no opinions, or risk a constitutional crisis if they have any.  Anyone with a pulse has an opinion.  The Irish election clearly shows that the sensible alternative is to have a democratic mandate for a Head of State with modest powers.  If we don't like what they do or don't say, then we can just vote them out.


Zachary Barker

Tuesday, 6 November 2018

Letter to the I: Green Air Travel

While Jack Noel says we shouldn't be so "joyful" about people jetting off because of the environmental damage, I say he should not be so judgmental of them.  It is unrealistic and deeply morally folly to expect people to turn their back on flying.  We should be happy for people who use the opportunity presented by low cost air travel to see more of the world.  We should also accept the fact that such travel is an integral part of the world economy.  Since flying is here to stay we need to focus our energies away from judgment and towards innovation.  As one of the pioneering countries of aviation, surely we can task our industries with making air travel more friendly to the Earth?


Wat Tyler

Letter to the I: Response to Mark Wallace's Article

Mark Wallace's article dripped with self justification and fantasy.  I heard hardly anyone talk about being worried about being governed by "structures" and "quangos".  They did however talk about how their public services are failing and their government feels remote, which Mr. Wallace's own party is responsible for.  It is very comforting to blame it all on structures.  But who voted in the referendum while admitting a lack of knowledge on the EU?  Who can't decide on what kind of Brexit deal they would like?  Who voted by 52% to lead us into this confusion?  After his big words will Mark Wallace have the courage confront the electorate with these questions?


Zachary Barker
