Thursday, 14 February 2019

Letter to the I: Brexit Pain Letter

I am frankly astounded at Anne Benninger's commentary on Mark Wallace's article.  The 'we have had it worse' argument is baffling, nonsensical and hardly a convincingly enthusiastic endorsement of Brexit.  How far back must we go into the horrors of British history in order to keep our chins up?  Am I right to understand that Brexit won't be as bad as a civil war or a light sprinkling of plague?  What a relief!  It is incredible how easily the narrative of enduring pain has come into the pro-Brexit play book.  I could of sworn we were promised a utopia.  A utopia with pain sounds a little bit ominous.


Zachary Barker


Tuesday, 12 February 2019

Letter to the I: Learning from Europe Letter

Mark Wallace has spent months preaching about how allegedly Remain voters were fixated on negative campaigning.  But given that now it seems his winning argument is that other European  countries are worse than our own, he should eat some humble pie.  Instead of indulging in his toxic nationalism I would say that it is more constructive to reflect on what our neighbours do well, that we can learn from.  The Netherlands and Germany do better than us in terms of labour and manager relations.  The Norwegians did better to invest their North Sea oil money into a fund that covers much of their social spending.  Or perhaps it is too painful to our national pride to look at paths we perhaps should have taken.


Zachary Barker