Saturday 29 July 2017

Letter to the I: Prince William Letter

We are to believe according to the coverage from this newspaper and others that despite him leaving his job, that there is much to admire in Prince William.  His record however tells a different story.  He resigned from the RAF after only a few months after basic training, avoiding a penalty for this because of who he is.  He had a Cambridge University course designed for him, which he didn't complete, because of who he is.  The lesson of his life surely can't be to get by on one's own dedication to hard work and perseverance?


Zachary Barker

Wednesday 26 July 2017

Letter to the I: Talking About Policy Letter

I read Nick Clegg's article about caricature politics with great interest.  I think one of the main reasons why political discussion has been reduced to sloganeering and caricatures is because of people's reluctance to discuss policy.  People feel embarrassed about talking about politics already, never mind policy, because they feel intimidated about getting in to such detail.  And yet who is best to judge the cause and effect of policies, but those who live with their consequences?  The BBC can help encourage wider discussion of politics and policy by not scheduling programmes discussing them on so ridiculously late in the day.


Zachary Barker

Sunday 23 July 2017

Letter to the Sunday Times: Royal Children Letter

Sarah Baxter's article touched on an important issue with regard to the decided destinies of the Royal children William and Charlotte.  However let us not be disingenuous, the British Monarchy is a giant system of child sacrifice, which is entirely supported by their parents.  These children will not be the last to have their destinies decided before them.  We have no right to say how objectionable this is, unless we are brave enough to take the step that will ultimately set them free; declare a British Republic.  The entire system is archaic and wrong in principle and no amount of PR spin or change in Succession Laws can hide that forever.


Zachary Barker

Saturday 22 July 2017

Letter to the I: Liberal Values Letter

Amid the cheerleading coverage of the Royal visit to Poland, one issue that has been left at the wayside is promoting the values of liberal democracy abroad.  In Poland especially the values of both democracy and liberalism are under attack, with a government that is securing control of the judiciary and rolling back women's rights.  Royal visits do nothing to promote these values and cuts to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office will only make this task harder.  To make matters the US State Department, which helps activists all over the world, is having it's budget slashed.  Our motto in promoting these values should be the same of the Polish who fought for independence; "for your freedom and for ours".


Zachary Barker 

Friday 21 July 2017

Letter to the I: Politicians Letter

With regards to David Price's letter about British politicians I found it frustrating and disingenuous.  How many times in this country have people called for politicians coming together only to punish them for doing so?  The Liberal Democrats were decimated after being junior partners in a coalition.  The last General Election was largely a two horse race.  The public have consistently shied away from voting reform that would lead to representations in the commons more inclined towards coalition politics.  The public needs to stop punishing politicians from working together if they want them to do so.


Zachary Barker

Thursday 20 July 2017

Letter to the I: Monarchy Coverage Letter

I read with great interest i's article about the British Government covering up the secret Nazi plot to install the Duke of Windsor in a puppet government.  This is a rare piece on the Royals which does not show them in a glowing light.
     It is the duty of the press, the i included to hold all government institutions accountable and this includes the British Monarchy.  And yet most of the time this paper, in common with others, either omits critical coverage of them or reduces it to insignificance.  In this country, sadly, some are born to be leaders.  However none should be free from accountability.


Zachary Barker

Tuesday 18 July 2017

Letter to the I: Charlie Gard Letter

I am very skeptical as to the good intentions of US Congressmen and the US President taking an interest in the court case over baby Charlie Gard.  I don't think it is a coincidence that at a time that the US Congress is struggling to pass a healthcare law to replace Obamacare, these parties are suddenly opening up the wonders of US healthcare to a British baby.  Charlie is being used as a political pawn by US Republicans to whitewash the callous and contradictory system that is US healthcare.  If their political games cause Charlie further suffering they should beware, because causing harm to innocents for political reasons can be interpreted as terrorism.


Zachary Barker 

Wednesday 12 July 2017

Letter to the I: Luke Rutter Letter

I was saddened to hear about the passing of Luke Rutter who died in action fighting with the Kurdish YPG to liberate Raqqa of the Islamic State (IS).  I think it is about time that the government gives anti-IS fighters like Mr Rutter the respect they deserve.  There is simply no moral equivalence between those fighting for IS and those fighting against it.  While the former fight to take away life and freedom the latter fight to preserve both.  And yet thus far the government has treated anti-IS fighters like terrorists even though they are fighting the same enemy.


Zachary Barker

Tuesday 11 July 2017

Letter to the I: German Democracy Letter

I believe that Nick Clegg has too quickly hailed Germany as the new leader of democracy in the West.  Being a leader of democracy means not just practicing democracy but also standing up for it.  Unfortunately Germany's modern history has encouraged an enduring pacifist tradition that leaves the country and wider democratic Europe vulnerable.  The main German political parties are reluctant to stand up to a resurgent Russia even as it changes the map of Europe by force of arms.  The end of the Cold War has encouraged a complacent attitude to defence spending in Germany.  It is with some historical irony that the survival of European democracy now relies on a renewed German commitment to it's armed forces.


Zachary Barker 

Monday 10 July 2017

Letter to The Guardian: Trump and Russia

The subtext of US President Trump's  call for "constructively engaging with Russia" is really a call for the West to sweep Russian imperialism under the carpet.  It is meaningless for Trump to talk about "saving lives" by negotiating small ceasefires in Syria when the main perpetrator of violent deaths there, the Syrian President, is given political cover by his Russian backers.  What is even more striking is how the ongoing and violent conflict in Ukraine, amidst Syria and the US election scandal, has fallen off the agenda completely.  Could it be that Trump's new apparent willingness to talk about the scandal is a strategic manoeuvre to control it, while taking more bloodier issues off the table?


Zachary Barker

Letter to the I: Public Transport Letter

Those who have backed Brexit criticise the EU for standing in the way of business.  And yet we have the EU to thank for keeping competition fierce in terms of air fares to keep prices low.  So we have proof that we can get sensible prices with sensible regulation for public transport.
     The reason why we don't have such a good outcome in terms of train fares is because our government is frankly too spineless to implement real competition between the train companies.  Failure to deliver must cost for these companies, otherwise they will not learn the cost of ripping off their customers.


Zachary Barker

Wednesday 5 July 2017

STEM subjects Letter

With regards to David Batty's letter I felt that it was dripping with snobbery and contempt for non-STEM students.  Unlike him I see artists and academics as just as important for our country as scientists and businessmen.  Some students want to make a career out of academia, but thanks to cuts in funding at institutions in favour of STEM subjects this career is quickly becoming the preserve of the well off. 
     We treat the arts and those who practice it with particular contempt.  We expect them to live on pennies or finance themselves, until we need them to perform for an Olympics now and then.  A vibrant democracy should have room for intellectual debate, artistic expression as well as innovation.


Zachary Barker

Saturday 1 July 2017

Letter to the i: Syrian Civil War Letter

The debate about whether the recent chemical weapons attack in Syria was instigated by the Syrian Government misses the point.  The fundamental one being that aside from the last chemical attack, the Syrian Government has managed to massacre thousands of it's own citizens with conventional arms alone.  The truth is that it does not matter what tools a tyrant uses to inflict death upon their own people, the fact that they are doing it is morally reprehensible.  The fact that certain politicians and media (including social media) are arguing for us to ignore this is also morally reprehensible and utterly disgraceful.


Zachary Barker