Wednesday 12 April 2017

Letter to the I: Middle Eastern Tyrants

I vehemently disagree with the suggestion Mr MacMillan made in his letter about giving tyrants of the Middle East a free hand.  His argument was also supported by a factually incorrect reading of recent history.  Iraq was not a stable and peaceful country.  The ruler of that country kept torture centres running non-stop, violently oppressed minorities and invaded his neighbours.  The alleged utopia of Libya was also run by a madman who sponsored a list of terrorist groups that would fill this newspaper's letters column in terms of size.
     This toxic and dishonest line of argument is being pursued by many arm chair strategists to try and justify isolationism in the face of evil.  Who are we to tell people to stop fighting against tyranny?  All countries without exception have had periods of turbulence on the path to democracy, none of them without any outside influence.  The UK has undergone several civil wars, abdication crises and rebellions (to name a few events) and we still do not have a full democracy.


Zachary Barker

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